It probably seems unnecessary to repeat the headlines, but it is vital that you learn to ignore press reports if you want to manage your fear. At the end of 2024, there was an accident in South Korea, which has gained worldwide press coverage because of the video images that have been posted on social […]



There’s a lot to do running a web site where the people who look for it, don’t really want it. By that I mean someone who has a fear of flying isn’t so sure that they want to risk making it worse by trying to make it better. This website has been running for over […]


What people have said

LJ W A huge thank you to Keith for today’s course! It was fantastic. Informative and supportive…exactly what was needed to enable me to go on my honeymoon. I would recommend it to any fearful flyer and their supporter. A*! Dear Captain Keith I want to thank you for creating your CD Flying without Fear. […]


Fear of Flying

If you have a fear of flying my suggestion, however hard it is to do, is to get on right now and start doing something, anything about it. The best time was yesterday the next best time is today and the least effective time is ‘later’. Even if you just start by looking through some of […]


How to Use the Shop

Hi, thank you for visiting the shop. To make your purchase as straightforward as possible here are some notes in case of difficulty. Select the item you wish to purchase fron the drop down list or the main menu Help Products. On the product page  click the option ‘Add To Cart’. Click the button  ‘Shopping […]


Welcome to the first blog of this new blog. The fear of flying is such a wide topic and so many people are affected by it that lends itself to different types of help. At the top of the tree are the airline courses that cater for groups of a hundred people or more to […]


Winter operations

The less we know about a subject the more risky we tend to believe it is, the more we know the less risky we think it is. But when we are experts in a subject we then are able to assess the risks as they really are and, what’s more important we can see them […]



There’s hardly a fearful flyer who doesn’t mention Turbulence as being one of their fears. Asking whether or not there will be turbulence on a flight is like asking asking a ship’s Captain if there are going to be any waves. On some occasions you can fly for hours and the air will be as […]


Air Displays Shoreham Accident

The public has always been fascinated by planes and so airshows have been part of our culture for over a hundred years. The rules governing flights on these occasions are very strict. As yhe years have passed the rules have become more and more limiting. When it goes wrong the public rightly, want to know […]


Welcome to the New Blog

As a very small business it has a taken a long while for us to recover from the effects of Covid. But interest is picking up and with that in mind I’m  updating parts of the website. First to receive my attention is this Blog which previously was an occasional mention of ‘things’ about commercial […]


Blog 2024

When I started this website over 20 Years ago, social media was almost non existent. It pretty well governs everything we do now, from news outlets, expressing our opinions, forming groups of like minded people and information gathering. However out has also been an opportunity for people of no experience and knowledge to debate with […]



In the Northern hemisphere the winter is leaving us but the memories of all that bad weather stay with us. For fearful flyers the winter seems to be more hazardous for aircraft. The difficulties we have driving our cars an snow or ice covered roads would seem to be quite simple compared to an aircraft […]


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