Many people from around the world
(usually on Facebook) ask me if I can bring my course to their country. Unfortunately I can’t move my aircraft fuselage from where it is. It’s now firmly rooted to the ground …in fact, that’s one of it’s best qualities to a fearful flyer! It’s a great venue because when we get on I can have the sounds of boarding playing in the background to add a bit of reality without anyone being anxious that it might take off.
It’s a very good environment to address a fear of flying because for so many people it shows them that they can control their feelings.
That doesn’t mean that I can’t help you. If you’ve got a Skype connection then we can do everything that we do on the plane except be on the plane. In the last year I have been able to help a number of people from Africa, Australia, America and the Far East and they’ve all been able to take a flight. At the moment I’m working with three people.
I haven’t advertised this on the website previously because I wasn’t certain that my course would translate into a conversation but so far we’ve had lots of success.
There’s always a bit of fun linking up when I’m talking to someone where they are 12 hours ahead of or behind my local time … but eventually we get used to the time differences and we link up quite easily.
I do encourage people to buy the online course as a source of reference but apart from that, it’s just between you and me on the internet. Sure it’s not as easy and straightforward as being here with me on the plane but if this is the next best thing … go for it. It has worked for a lot of people.
If you discover that it’s not for you it’s no problem because we’ll start with a couple of short sessions before any money changes hands. I’m here to help you to fly not to get rich.
email me at
captainkeith@flyingwithoutfear.com or contact me directly on Skype
keithegodfrey and we’ll get going as soon as possible.
“Captain Keith has changed my life!! My story started 15 years ago when I had my first panic attack on an overseas flight. I managed over time and with medication, to keep my fear to a bare minimum, until last year when I boarded a flight from Johannesburg to London. It was supposed to be a fun girl’s trip with my mom and sister. I ended up having another panic attack and had to depart the flight even before take-off. We were all devasted!
I had to get over this fear as my son had just gone to College in the US and I was supposed to visit him at Xmas. An ex-pat friend from London living here in South Africa recommended I contact Keith. Due to me so far from London Keith suggested we chat on Skype.
I can’t tell you how wonderful Keith is! He was such an amazing support throughout my journey with him. Always encouraging and had a good sense of humour at that. After having a few Skype calls with Keith, I started flying locally. It seemed so much easier! Due to Keith’s experience and vast knowledge about aviation, he gave me suggestions and taught me how to make my flying experience more enjoyable. He is always available to chat to if you are feeling anxious and is very honest about how things could turn out, so you are always ready for anything.
So, the time came that I was ready to board that really long flight to the US. I was nervous beforehand, but once on the flight and settled in, I felt amazingly calm. After many hours in the air and wifi onboard, I contacted Keith to say I was one hour away from New York. How proud I was of myself!! But couldn’t have done it with Keith’s constant support and genuine care.
If you WERE like me last year and have a real fear of flying, do yourself a favour and contact Captain Keith! He will really change your life as life is about living!