The Other Side of Fear…a Pilot’s Life

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If you’re anxious about flying or you wonder what a pilot’s life is like then you’ll really enjoy this read. An unusual and entertaining autobiography from a pilot who talks more about the funny side of flying rather than the adventures we might expect. The operational side of the job is explained simply, reassuringly and humorously.

The Other Side of Fear

How can car parks, airports coffee shops and immigration queues be made interesting? You wouldn’t think so but read on … the book leads you through everything we suffer at an airport through the eyes of a holidaying pilot … and you’ll find him good company. You’ll never see flying the same way again.
There’s another angle throughout the book that is a surprise too. We expect pilots to love their jobs because of the excitement and glamour, but in this account, there’s much more to discover. What do pilots feel at 35,000 feet as they fly along at 600 mph? Perhaps flying is more poetic than you imagine, maybe it’s not just procedures and checklists that appeals to pilots. How has a 19th-century writer of the countryside inspired this particular pilot?What’s it like to fly up and around a summer cloud in an open cockpit plane and dive down into it? What does it feel like to be in the front of a three hundred ton plane as you take off?

Even if you’re a bit nervous now, you certainly won’t be after the take off that you’ll read about in this book. And the dreaded turbulence … what does he say about that? A great deal that will make you feel less nervous about it than you do now. And the next time you fly in turbulence, if your Captain forgets to speak to you there’s a message from this Captain to put you at ease.

He’ll tell you about Concorde and their pilots, about the Cabin crew, engineers and everyone involved in getting your plane away safely and on time. But this isn’t a list of boring technical procedures, it’s a relentless account of how absurd it can all be if you just step outside of normality for a moment. But you’ll never be made to feel anxious, every insight has a funny and reassuring side.
This book is designed to keep fearful flyers entertained during their otherwise worrying flight, so you can pick it up and put it down without as he says losing the plot or the pilot.

Why does Captain Keith think there’s more split-second decision making for an actor than for a pilot? Because he’s got an actor friend who didn’t fly for 34 years but has been with our Captain in an airline flight simulator who now flies regularly. Read about the part simulators play in the incredible safety record that aviation has.

Captain Keith will explain how planes fly in the funniest but most accurate way you’ve ever seen, and along the way describe why a garden shed despite being very light doesn’t fly but why a 500-ton plane does.

This is what he says about the two most famous people in aviation:

“Ask any modern schoolchild “Who invented the aeroplane?” and they’d probably say Amazon, Apple or Google. In fact, the aeroplane was invented by a couple of brothers who made bikes and, if you think about it, not really the best people to make planes. In my opinion, things would have moved more quickly and efficiently if planes had been invented by brothers who were ornithologists or taxidermists. At least they would have had some experience of things that could fly, or in the case of the latter, things that used to fly.”

What effect did Mr Angus McGregor have on the author’s life, or Mr Bindermann who flew the Atlantic against much advice? What about the ‘talking’ dog that could answer questions and wanted to take flying lessons?

This unusual Autobiography will keep you laughing, make you think, help you if you’re nervous and on the odd occasion make you wonder.

You’ll discover what makes pilots tick. If not all of them, certainly this one.

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