Welcome to this fear of flying audio course. This has been developed from our ground course and covers almost everything that is discussed on those courses. Inevitably it doesn’t have the interaction that we can enjoy on our courses but it means that you don’t have any interruptions! It’s a long course, three hours or so and will be difficult to manage in one sitting. However there will be parts that appeal to you and parts that don’t, it won’t matter if you skip things BUT it’s possible that you might miss a point that could be useful to developing your strategy.
I hope that you enjoy listening in. If you are traveling in a plane with wi-fi access then this should soothe you … and possibly send you to sleep!
“Hi everyone, this is the Captain, welcome aboard this flight to wherever you dream of going. Right now I’m sure you’re a little nervous and feeling anxious about the next few hours. Let me reassure you that while you listen to these audios that you’re not going to hear anything that will make you more worried than you feel right now. We expect a smooth flight with lots of wonderful views of things you’ve never thought about. We’re sure that as you settle into the flight you’ll be more and more at ease with flying, we’ll explain everything you need to know about planes, crews and more importantly, you’ll find a new found confidence as the flight progresses. If there’s anything more you need to know about just get the cabin crew to show you my contact page and I’ll answer you as soon as I’m back from my next flight. Please sit back and enjoy your read. And by the way, the weather is good all the way
Chapters 1 and 2
Chapters 3 and 4
Chapters 5 and 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 and 10
Chapters 11 and 12
Chapter 14
Audio files boarding and on board a flight
Best wishes,
Captain Keith
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