If you have to make a long journey to attend the course why not make a long week end of it?
Alton was the site of the last battle of the Civil War and the church shows the many scars of the battle. Alton is also famous for the infamous tale of ‘sweet’ Fanny Adams.
There are many places of interest around Alton and many more within a few miles. Just a mile or so from where we run the course is Jane Austen’s house which is open in the summer and sometimes during the winter. The village of Chawton has a delightful tea shop opposite the house. A little further away is the White Horse, better known locally as the pub with no name … years ago the sign was stolen and has never been replaced so it keeps the name … or rather doesn’t. It has a corner in the bar devoted to the war poet Edward Thomas, who lived locally for many years and who was a ‘regular’ at the pub. A 30 minute drive southwards will get you to Portsmouth and the Naval museum with the Mary Rose and HMS Victory.
Now another form of travel that may be of interest to you is the Watercress Line Railway which runs from Alton Station to Arlsford a trip of 25 minutes on an old steam train. Within a short walk of the station there is an interesting walk which will show you the clear fresh water needed for growing the famous crop of watercress. There are theatres nearby if you stay in the area at Guildford, Winchester and Basinstoke.
Further to the west is the historic town of Winchester where you can see King Arthur’s round table . Nearby is the cathderal, where you will find the tomb of Jane Austin.
The area is a part of the newly formed South Downs Park.
There is a Travel Lodge 4 miles from our venue and there are some good hotels in Winchester and Basingstoke.
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