Although this website is the best place for information and facts and support we use Twitter and our blog to keep our followers informed and up to date. Different people need different things to help them along the way to overcome their fear. Many people enjoy constant contact and regular updates about flying, others like to share their experiences and successes so we try to provide as many resources as we can to help anyone who has a fear of flying.
For instant information about the latest hot topics of interest to fearful flyers follow @fixfearofflying with Captain Keith.
I’ll send regular tweets so that anything that comes up in the news will be addressed. No need to sit and worry about what a news report means or whether we really are at risk when drones are being flown, or lasers are being shone at planes. We may be second with the news but we’ll always be first with a sensible comment about it. Rather than worry about the news, go to my twitter account or Blog and let me re-assure you instead.
With matters of special interest to the traveler with a fear of flying, we have detailed accounts and comments on our Blog. Which is available with paid memberships.
There are over 500 articles of interest already posted on the blog. Information from the blog may be used by Journalist, with my permission and with the appropriate attribution.
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