LJ W A huge thank you to Keith for today’s course! It was fantastic. Informative and supportive…exactly what was needed to enable me to go on my honeymoon. I would recommend it to any fearful flyer and their supporter. A*!
Dear Captain Keith I want to thank you for creating your CD Flying without Fear. I had for about 5 years been unable to fly anywhere and indeed had never been a confident flyer. With encouragement from my husband I ordered the CD and regularly listened. Little by little it banished all the ‘myths’ and reduced much of the fear to a manageable level. About a month ago we flew (!) over to Belfast from Glasgow and had a wonderful weekend. I felt I had been released from a prison. I plan to fly again in December and now have your DVD to help me even further. Thank you for using your knowledge to help free myself from this fear. PC
Since I attended the ground course with you on 20th August, I have been practising relaxation techniques and reading all the literature you provided.I also experienced at least 50 “take offs” with your DVD all of which helped greatly on my first flight since then. Last week we went to Spain for a week and the night before the departure flight my anxiety rose but I managed to keep it in check. Previously I had fought this anxiety but remembering what you had said, I accepted it and dealt with it quite successfully. After we had reached cruising height and I was plugged into my iPod, the rest of the flight was a complete doddle! I don’t think I thought about the return flight at all during our holiday, until the night before departure. The relaxing and breathing techniques helped me to sleep a little. Once I was up and preparing to leave for the airport, all those fears were gone and the flight home was completely worry free.
I just wanted to send an email to thank you so much for the course last weekend. I so enjoyed it! Every question was answered and many more. I was certainly reassured that there isn’t much safer than a commercial flight! I am boring my husband with every detail…. ‘you know when the lights… well that’s because…’ and ‘did you know….’! He plans to sit far away from me when we next flyworking through everything we were given to read and watch at home and am already feeling quite enthusiastic about putting strategies into practice. Thank you for your personal attention. I have recommended the course and CDs and books to so many people already! I enjoyed the way that although everything was delivered with firmness it was balanced with humour.>Many thanks to you and VivienneBest wishes D
I have just landed at Gatwick airport in the snow…just before the airport was closed. I flew to Florida two weeks ago and we were diverted for an hour and three quarters on top of the flight…..to avoid bad weather….on my return today we couldn’t get off the plane for an hour as the aircraft ahead of us needed defrosting. Prior to having experienced this site and Captain Keiths audios plus a call from Captain Keith the morning of my flight, none of the above would have been possible.. It would just not have happened. Today I was even seen comforting a nervous flyer. See you in Januarys course, I can’t wait. Becky
I would just like to Thank everybody that makes this website possible. I ordered the Book and CD and they totally changed my life! I suffered from a extreme fear of flying, I worried about EVERYTHING in flight. The Book and CD’s helped me understand things sooo much better, I was even reassuring my mother (who is not afraid of flying) during turbulence and banking. Im not totally cured I still get a little anxious but Im even flying alone in a couple weeks, I would NEVER have been able to do that before the programs. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for this material. I was generally afraid before getting onto the flight this month. After I was airborne, I was ready for what the plane would do, which was very comforting. I repeated the phrase “turbulence are uncomfortable but not dangerous” in my head, and I was able to feel at ease. Your lessons helped me think logically about the flight, rather than let myself over exaggerate fears. I even slept to and from my overseas destination. Thank you again, Captain Godfrey!
Having a young child with me definitely helped – I didn’t have time to be permanently fearful, my focus was on her. I also travelled on fantastic airline (Air New Zealand) part of the way. I found their approach very refreshing, professional, but extremely warm, and “human”. The fact we managed to get upgraded really helped as it made the flight more of a “pampering” experience, than being made to feel squashed in, something that I think has been a problem in the past. Their safety videos are so light hearted and funny – it just took away that sense of dread I’d had before. Air Pacific had a fairly ancient jumbo, but again their customer service was just excellent – what a difference that makes. For the first time I fell asleep on a plane… unbelievable! It feels like I’ve been given the key to go and enjoy the world – it’s a massive relief and I realise how incredibly draining the fear has been for me and people close to me. I know that for sure, turbulence will never be my favourite thing, but feeling terrified just doesn’t help anyone, and now I know I can do it!!
Thank you so much yet again (and do feel free to reproduce any of the above if you think it could help others). With very best wishes and a sincere thank you. Lisa
THANK YOU a million times captain Keith. Have just returned from Kos (4 hour flight) and was actually excited to be on the plane. Went out in the day and flew home at night (which normally x the fear by a hundred) but for the whole journey I was like an incredulous child utterly amazed at the sights from the plane window. How amazing are the clouds and all the lights at night, Athens was huge! Turbulence – what a breeze – because I knew that plane wasn’t going to fall out the sky or tip over !! I read, I did crosswords, I listened to music all unheard of before. IT WAS AMAZING THANK YU
Hi Keith. I have recommended your course to everyone I can! I am so amazed and excited by the change in my attitude towards flying. Thanks to one day spent with you, on the course, I can truthfully say that I am no longer afraid of flying! So after years of terror-filled flying and having to take 4 valium tablets to even get myself onto a plane, when I flew to Italy last week I found myself actually relaxing and even enjoying the landing!!! Wow! My husband was amazed and impressed – as was I!! I really can’t thank you – and your course – enough! It’s such a relief to feel free of the burden of my fear of flying :)
You may remember that I attended your course with my daughter A. She is quite serious about wanting to learn to fly, and is now saving up for flying lessons at Lasham! So, I can confirm what I suspected by the end of the day with you: my fear of flying really has reduced from terror (9/10) to being slightly anxious during actual take off, but calm and rational apart from that (2/10)!!!! Thank you. Kind regards Helen
We were delighted to welcome Olga to our fear of flying course today. We run the course in Alton Hampshire in the UK. Olga had flown in from Moscow to be with us. We’re delighted to say that she said that she’ll be less anxious on her flight home than she was on the flight here as result of things she learned on the course.
Both D. and I would like to thank you and and Viv for an excellent day. You both made us feel very much at ease and thanks to you both, I came away feeling so much more relaxed about flying. Just knowing the facts has helped me tremendously and I’m sure that when we fly in August, I will be fine. I will keep you posted!
Your understanding of how we all felt was second to none. Talking us through all of the eventualities and putting things into simple terms was what I needed (and no doubt, the others did too). Thank you. “It is so reassuring to know that I can ring you should the need arise but I’m feeling confident that I won’t need to.” I would have no hesitation in recommending you and I’m looking forward to listening to the CD and reading your book. Once again, a million thanks to you both for your help, support and kindness.
“I’ve just returned from a holiday in Corfu, which I nearly cancelled due to fear of flying. By chance, I stumbled on this site two days before my departure and was so grateful that I did. Almost instantly I was reassured. …When I boarded my recent flight, with my 9 year old twins and my partner, I was calm and relaxed. I kept going over all the dialogue from the video clips and reassuring myself that all the ‘bing-bong’ noises and dips in the air conditioning system were perfectly normal. That irrational fear was replaced by a better understanding of flight. ..For the first time, I didn’t need to grip the armrests – instead I sat back and relaxed (something I’ve never previously been able to do)I had a great holiday and did not dread stepping back on the plane to return home. My sincere thanks Keith, and your wonderful team. Your website has made such a difference. It has already been recommended to my sister and some of my nervous friends.”
Hi!! You should change your title from ‘Captain Keith’ to ‘Mega Legend Superstar Keith’!! :-)) Thanks SO much, hope to meet you soon. Rach x x
Thank you so much both for the CD and your kind wishes. Today was my big day.I flew for the first time in 25 years.Your CD and other material helped prepare me for this. I was a little worried when the plane was climbing and descending, but I managed and otherwise everything was fine. I flew Frankfurt to Munich and back and am very happy now. Thank you again so very much.
Hi Keith, just checking in. Flying to Malta next weekend.Had a hassle free time these last few weeks and really pleased that I seem to be building on success of last few flights. In fact arguable looking forward to a lovely trip over Italy, although I do reserve myself as I don’t want to swing too far one way or another, anyway all the best and keep up the good work, you know the challenges I had to overcome so keep it up!! Andy
I just wanted to send a quick note to say thank you to you and Vivienne for a great day on Saturday. I can’t tell you how much better and more confident I am feeling at the moment – having the chance to sit in the plane again and deal with some of those emotions and worries in the supportive environment you offer was just fantastic, and I am so grateful for the top-up, just wish I’d done it a little sooner and saved another missed flight last year! I’ve got something to build on again and a new starting point as you said, instead of dwelling on the things that have happened before. It’s amazing how much I had forgotten from the course last time cos I’d replaced it with all my negative thinking! I mistakenly thought I was okay cos I’d managed three flights but I can see I need a better strategy in order to prepare for any future flights and you have given me the confidence back to try again. It really is an amazing thing that you do and that top-up offer is invaluable – thank you again so much. Kindest regards H.
Hi Keith, It’s K. here, you spoke to me just before I flew off on holiday, I am back now. I remembered all the things you told me on the phone. The flight out was not so bad, but I got very panicky on the return take off. I was sobbing and couldn’t get my breath. The lovely stewardess bought me a little bottle of wine which helped a little. My partner kept reminding me of what you said about the doors coming off the car on the motorway! I did laugh then!! I will DEFINITELY be coming to one of your courses. Thanks for all your help K.
HI Keith, just a quick update for you … on Friday I’m off to Munich and this is the first of many flights for this year. Flying down to Newquay in July …flying on my own! Then off to Marrakech July/August for a short break. Flying out to TFS in November for a Canaries Cruise and hoping to get away at Christmas and probably gonna go up to Aberdeen to see my brother for a few days – again on my own. 2010 is going to be quite a year for my then eh? Got myself a new mantra tho, I now tell myself I’m not scared of flying anymore, I’m just a bit anxious about the take off. Trying a bit of positive thinking. Not fretted about this weeks upcoming flights at al and that is down to the fantastic support and encouragement I’ve had from you. Thanks so much Keith (((hugs)))
Hi Keith, I have been frightened of flying for as long as I can remember, but then found your site bought the book and have just returned from a 7hour flight from New York. The flight was fantastic our return flight a little bumpy but I could hear you saying its uncomfortable but never dangerous and it helped a great deal. I would recommend anyone that has a fear to buy this DVD . Thank you again. P.S Planning my next holiday can’t wait
Doing so well these days. I’ve made a real effort to inform myself about all the noises etc. The big breakthrough though has been in preparing by listening to my relaxation tapes. I install myself in the back row and get ‘in the zone’. Last flight I also had lovely cabin crew from Aer Lingus who mapped out the route and then brought me tea and a chocolate bar when I wasn’t even remotely scared. I think he felt sorry for me because I was on the way back from our school trip with a group of teenage girls! Must stop milking it now… Thanks so much for being a big help. I have two trips to take in the next fortnight and I’m not even a bit concerned. This is huge! J. Belfast N.I.
My sincere thanks to Capt. Keith, Sarah and Elizabeth for your good wishes and taking the time to write. Having your support and the support of site members is very heartening and reassuring in dealing with fear of flying. On my own trip to NZ last week I thought many times about members stories, comments and advice. Just knowing that I am not alone with this fear and that I can discuss it with like-minded folks is a great help and was a great help to me last week. Thanks again to all and best wishes. Frank
I have just returned from an amazing holiday (brother’s wedding also) and I just want to say a big THANK YOU to Captain Keith who although I don’t know personally I feel has been my strength in overcoming my fear of boarding the plane for the 12 hour flight. I read the book over and over again thoroughly, took it with me everywhere for 3 weeks reading through reminding myself that it would be ok …. my favourite saying ‘turbulence is not dangerous it is just very uncomfortable’ and when we hit a small amount of turbulence during the flight I just closed my eyes and said that in my head over and over again and I didn’t care how stupid I looked ….. it worked !!!!!! Be positive I have had a fear of flying for many, many years and I feel now that I am making real progress. I just wanted to share my positivity as for far too long I have focused on the negativity.
Hi Capt. Keith! I just had to tell you that I had a spectacular trip to Scotland and the flight was easy. Even when we hit turbulence, I just put my headphones on and listened to some rock and roll as we bounced around. It was amazing! I can’t thank you enough for your help. I feel totally liberated and am already planning my next trip abroad. I have fallen in love with Scotland and want to get back there as soon as I can. :-) Thank you again for helping me overcome my fear of flying. I just can’t tell you how it has changed my life. Most Sincerely, Deb C USA
I just want to tell you all what a delightful day we had on Saturday with Captain Keith and his wife, Viv. They made us feel so welcome and we felt at ease in no time. The course was excellent. Second to none. Keith and his wife were both very understanding of our fears but helped to dispelled those fears in no time at all. Amazing. No question was left unanswered even if we thought we were asking Keith a ‘daft’ question – “no such thing as a daft question” said Keith. He answered the questions in plain simple terms and gave some excellent examples. My partner came along to give me support and Keith included him in everything. He never got left out so thank you, Keith and Viv. When I first drove up and saw the aircraft, I have to confess my knees turned to jelly and we weren’t even leaving the ground! Keith had given us the ‘facts’ and had dismissed the ‘myths’ that we tend to have about flying, so by the time the course was over, I can honestly say that I could have gone up in a plane there and then. I never thought I would hear myself saying that! Having only a small group of people on the course (unlike some of the bigger companies) meant that we all received the ‘personal touch’. Each person was able to tell of their ‘fears’. You might think that this would have made it worse for us ‘fearful flyers’ but it didn’t. It simply meant that once Keith had explained things in detail, it helped to allay our fears. We all got a better understanding of ‘what makes a plane fly’ and ‘how it stays up in the air’ – brilliant. Nothing was too much trouble for Keith and Viv. He has told us that we can ring him at any time (even from the airport) should we be worried about anything. How many companies who run ‘flying without fear courses’ offer such a personal service. Not many, I doubt. I would thoroughly recommend the course. I am actually looking forward to flying in August – God, did I really say that!!! A million thanks, Keith & Viv. Kind Regards Julie W
“Dear Keith I am writing to you from Australia – you may recall that you sent me your flying without fear package about 6 months ago. I have just returned from America – and I have to say that your package was outstanding in its content. I still cannot believe that I got on the 747 flight from Sydney to San Francisco armed with strategies to cope – yet did not feel even the slightest bit nervous as I had thoroughly absorbed your material. I felt as though I was much better educated about flying and therefore was able to cope and think rationally about my fear of flying.
Thank you so much for the work you put into your book and CDs because they have allowed me to take the vital step of being able to fly long distances to go and see the world! I am planning my next trip back to America next year.Sincerely – thank you. J H”
“Hello Keith — I am a friend of Pete and Fiona and have just returned from a long overdue visit to their home in France — it has taken me months to pluck up the courage to fly on my own — once committed to the flight, Fi sent me a copy of your book which I read from cover to cover — I flew on 1st October Edinburgh – Gatwick – Toulouse and returned a week later again on two flights — your explanations re noise during the flight etc had allayed my fears completely and I felt like a seasoned air traveller — I, in fact, amazed myself — I would just like to thank you for writing such an informative book and helping me overcome my irrational fear of flying — thanks again — regards — L C”
“Just had the DvD, great and definitely worth buying, if you have a fear of flying. Quite funny really how the first question by the group was about the maintenance of aircraft..one of my main fears. I’m 90% there now (which means I’ll be going)..anything less than 75% and I would have stayed at home. In fact Im looking forward to the flight more so than other times we have flown, i’m looking forward to hearing all the noises that I have heard before but didn’t know what they were, and that ‘sinking feeling’ I really thought that was just me… and I have literally had nightmares on those lines over the years…the planes engines straining and the plane losing height…horrible dreams. But now Im looking forward to experiencing it because I know what it is. I’m even looking forward to seeing the lights flash on and off when they disconnect the plane from the tow. The course explained a lot to me on technical issues, having said they and flying itself have never been my main worry. The the thing I took most from the day was how natural it all was, from Keith’s explanations to the ‘feel’ of the seminar itself. Almost ‘matter of fact’ but not in a condescending way. Everything, has a very personal touch.
You will hopefully notice how it doesn’t have a ‘there’s a market here, so let’s milk nervous flyers for a fast buck’ corporate feel about it. They will get the feeling that, along with this site, there are actually people out there who care about your fears and genuinely want to help you.”
Hi everyone, Well I am back from my overseas trip to Hong Kong & Thailand. I had to take 5 flights during a two week period – I experienced little discomfort on any of the flights and only felt extreme anxiety leading up to the first flight out. Thank you all for your ongoing support over the period leading up to my trip.I had an amazing time – I rode elephants, ate, drank, laughed, shopped, had massages and experienced live theatre. I now have the travel bug and although I accept that I will always experience some fear of flying I now know that I am more than capable of flying and that I can handle anything.
” Hi Keith, well here we are in Sardinia. We have had a great day, and tonight … I just want to say thank you again for all your help, will speak soon.” Jenny.”
(It’s nice to get thanks…but Jenny is the person who did it. It is her courage and determination that gets her on a flight and to a happy holiday. We only help along the way. I hope that she congratulates herself as willingly as she sends me a postcard. This story is a perfect example of how a fear of flying can be dealt with…it’s not easy…but it’s possible.) ”
Dear Keith, I just wanted to drop you a quick e-mail to let you know that I am home in one piece!! I did find the outbound flight a little stressful, but mainly because there was quite a big delay….I did find myself thinking the worst (i.e. problems with the plane etc) but when we eventually boarded the pilot apologised and said that the delay was caused by the previous flight being held up by a missing passenger – so no major drama!! After take off I did manage to settle and I actually listened to some music! On the way home my anxiety was far less and I managed to sleep and watch a couple of films. There was some turbulence but i was not unduly troubled by this, in fact both flights were pretty boring, save for a lady having a fit on the way to Dubai (a passenger lying in the aisle and the cabin crew plugging in a defibrillator at my laptop plug made me a little uncomfortable!!) and a bit of movement on landing at Heathrow (it was pretty windy!!) although none of this really phased me! I feel really pleased with myself – it was by far the calmest I have ever been on the flight and I am convinced that attending your course, and speaking with you on the way to the airport, have really helped me. I now understand that this whole thing is routine, and planned and not left to chance….this was reinforced by the pilot on the return journey who told us that the flight path would be a little different than the usual route to avoid bad weather….I don’t know what the usual route is but I found it comforting to note that they had planned things!! Anyway, I just really wanted to thank you for everything that you have done for me. I can’t say that I am cured and i expect that I will be in touch again but, for now, I feel very brave and I am looking forward to my next holiday!! I had such an amazing time in Dubai and I am looking forward to my next destination! Kind regards, S
Dear Captain Keith — Since reading your book Flying Without Fear, I’ve flown from South Florida to Paris, Chicago, New York, Seattle, Los Angeles and a trip to visit my mom. I can’t tell you what an incredible difference your book (and your podcasts, and the CDs) have made in my life. I am still somewhat anxious when I fly but I’ve never again suffered from the crippling fear I used to experience. Being able to fly opens up the whole world. Not being afraid of flying means that I don’t ruin the weeks before my flights in worry and dread. I recommend your book and CDs to everyone I meet who confesses a fear of flying because I know they work. I really appreciate the time and energy you’ve put into these efforts — they’ve made such an incredible difference for me! Warmest regards, G T Fort Lauderdale, Florida
You have certainly helped me! CDs are brilliant – over the course of the past five years, as a result of and through regular listening to your CDs, I have flown all over the place …. still get a little nervous but that is usually only just before boarding, rather than during the six month ‘countdown’ to the flight. Many thanks to you, Keith. Friday at 11:30am · Like Christina I was able to fly to America in April, because of you but I have to convince you to sail.
Hi Captain Keith ! Hope you are well! I am rather proud of myself i took another return flight from Belfast to Stansted with Easyjet on Tuesday i was only in London for the day so i think it was good that i had to take 2 flights in the same day – good experience for me. Although i was still nervous i managed not too ‘freak out’ completely and didn’t need to hold my colleague’s hand at any point : ) So your site is a god send!! L
Guess what! I already booked my next flight! I’ll fly to California at the end of April!! I’ve wanted to see California all my life, it’s a dream coming true!!! I don’t know if I’ll get nervous later but right now, I am very very happy, and so excited that for the first time ever in my life I could just push the button and feel like it will all be okay… no second thoughts… I still couldn’t resist double-checking what kind of a plane it is going to be and what its age is and whether the airline has had many accidents etc, but I don’t care, I can fly!!! :)))) And there’ll be internet on this flight and I want to say hi to the forums from the sky!!! :)
Hi Keith – Just was touching base after a period of time, as I find myself a bit apprehensive about flying to JFK from LHR on Thursday, A and I are flying back to the States to share Thanksgiving with my family in New York. I also like to touch back for reinforcement – and I’ve gotten the CDs and book ready for my flight – the ones I purchased from your site. They were excellent and I’ve leant them out to many people over the years, who are looking to purchase some very soon – my sister being one of them. We’re flying with BA who, I feel, is one of the safest airlines around. I’m sure you’ll concur! ;) I won’t fly on an American carrier, as I feel you literally have a target on your back and I just feel safer on a foreign carrier, although BA is now my “home carrier”, as I live here in the UK. Anyway, just wanted to say hi and to congratulate you on the ever evolving and growing membership for your site – it is truly a wonderful resource and I know it has certainly opened my world up. J
Did it a few days ago. Very happy that I was ok with it. Was a very smooth flight, almost forgot I was on a plane at one point! I expect this email is one of hundreds you receive in thanking you very much for the help and guidance you have given to manage and maybe overcome a fear of flying. I am hoping to go flying again in the not too distant future with my confidence greatly improved. With many many thanks to you and Viv for all your assistance and understanding.
Answer to the question How is it all going? Fantastic thanks , did Spain this year and have already booked Turkey next year. I know you say it’s all down to me in the end, but without your dedication and logic it would never have happened. I would never hesitate to Recommend the course and I have already passed on Details to many nervous Flyers. Fantastic Reply by Phoebe Jane Wilson 44 minutes ago Just a quick note to let you all know I met my new Aussie grandson at 4am this morning Oz time and he’s beautiful :) Will post regarding the flights when I get back but for now I’m going to enjoy every minute of the 8 weeks I have here. It’s only been 27c today but it will do for me….good luck to all of you with flights coming up……if I can do this for the THIRD time you can do it too. Phoebe Captain Keith said: Anticipatory fear about to turn into another wonderful trip. Keep your guard up , do all the things that help you. Thinking of you Keith
I just wanted to say thanks because Captain Godfrey’s voice was like a calming friend in my head during the most nerve-racking parts of the trip. So thank you for what you do. Hopefully I will someday make it to the UK, which is a dream….we shall see.
Hi everyone… we are back from our second trip to Jersey! We did it. The only hiccup was my so called friends thought it was funny to make sick jokes about flying whilst I was sat in the airport. This is a crucial time for fearful flyers as there is still time to opt out of getting on the plane! I felt very stressed so I got my crossword book out and listened to my fave tunes and ignored them. As we boarded the plane the pilot gave us a wave. This helped to calm the nerves. The take off and landing were perfect and the clouds were stunning. It was a little noisy sitting by the propellors but generally the flight was dare I say it ‘enjoyable’!… This is the 3rd time we have visited family in Jersey in 2 years, and without Keith and this amazing website this would never have happened. I may even plan the next trip this week. I remember booking my first flight and not being able to even look at the picture of an aeroplane on the Flybe website without freaking out and sweating and shaking! It’s amazing that with the right tools and support you can fly… My other friends decided to sail and there was engine failure and they couldn’t dock! It really is quicker, more comfortable and easier to fly!
Back home safely from Leeds – we even beat the terrible weather forecasts! It is the “little things” by way of explanation that I have listened to on the videos and this Forum that are such a help when flying. On Saturday morning I looked in at the site and listened to a BBC interview with Captain Keith and it so happened he was talking among other things about turbulence. On the flight over on Sunday evening before take off the Captain said the take off and landing could be a bit rough and there was a possibility of turbulence. Similarly the Captain this morning gave the same warning. On the outward flight it was not so noticeable, it was a bit more so this morning during the landing but the fact that I was not frightened and managed to do a crossword has to say something!
Hi Keith I personally would like to thank you for your Fear of Flying Book. My husband has been terrified of flying for years and after the 9/11 tragedy I thought that getting him back flying would be impossible. He was even travelling to the Canaries for our holidays by boat, taking 4 days instead of 4 hours. However I sent for your book and it is now his bible. Both our sons and grandson live in America so you can see how important it is for our family. I have travelled there on my own on numerous occasions. Don’t get me wrong he still gets very anxious and cannot eat or drink from getting up at home to landing at our destination and the recent reminders in the news of the terrorist bombers etc doesn’t help especially as we are on our way to America over the next few days but he will be able to cope and it is all down to your book. It goes with him every time he fly’s. Many Thanks Maxene
Went on Keith’s course in April. Highly recommend it. Fantastic to have one to one help and make friends in comfortable surroundings. Keith will answer any questions you have and you will come away with peace of mind. Every aspect is covered. Friendly and informative. You will not be disappointed. Guaranteed. MCB Thank you Keith and Vivienne so much for the fear of flying course I attended yesterday. (November 19th) Reflecting on the day, the most important thing I came away with was I now have the ability (I almost typed ‘I hope!’) to trust the pilots in charge of the aeroplane. I have attended a commercial course before, and yes I trusted the pilot on the day, but I had to fly with other airlines, and other pilots on other occasions. Being in a small group of only 4 people with a real life pilot! For 7 hours showing and explaining to us all about the flight, what happens in the cockpit, as well as answering our more obscure and ‘what if’ questions with endless patience was absolutely invaluable. Just having all of that would have been money well spent, but to have all the resources given to us at the end of the day foc was excellent. We went out to lunch with my sister today (who is a fearful flyer) and I have told her all about your course. I am determined to take my booked flight next Saturday with XXX, and also my package holiday in January. Flying with a very low cost airline might take some more work and visits however!! Thanks once again.SG
I joined the site almost two years ago and it has helped me more than I can say in a few words, so I am sure you will find lots to help you out also. Tomorrow I am flying from Malta to Heathrow, then to Philadelphia, and on to Jacksonville to be with my daughter who is expecting a baby any day now. Thanks to the help I have received from Keith and others on this site, I am not dreading it and am pretty sure that, though a bit anxious, I will cope. If I can do it anyone can – I promise you!
Greetings from sunny Georgia, USA! It was a very long day yesterday and I felt like I had been flying forever, but for the first time in my life I can honestly say I enjoyed it!! When I think back to what a wreck I was for so many years and the opportunities I missed because of my phobia, I just have to thank you again Keith for the help you give to people like me who have spent years either putting off flying, or going through hell every time we flew. As you know, I honestly considered myself a hopeless case, but the fact that someone actually understood and offered practical and moral support – well it has changed my life. Having two daughters living in the States, it would have been a huge ordeal to visit them without the help I have received. K*** – have you bought Keith’s book? If not I suggest you do as it was the first thing that started to help me. I used to be a total wreck at the slightest noise – even someone pressing the ‘call’ button would have me hyperventilating – so to know what the noises mean is very reassuring. The other thing that really helped me was Keith’s mantra that turbulence is uncomfortable but not dangerous. Yesterday’s flight from Philly to Jacksonville was pretty bumpy but I sat back knowing it wasn’t anything to worry about and it felt just like being on the roads in Malta!! Anyway, I really hope you will conquer your fear – I wish I had not wasted so many years feeding my fear, but I intend to make the most of it now I am so much braver – in fact my next flight is booked for May when our eldest daughter graduates from college in NW Florida (or should I say flights as we have to take 3 flights to get there!) Again, good luck – I hope you will let us all know what a great flight you have to Hawaii, and Keith – my thanks again, I am indebted to you and have recommended this site to friends who are nervous flyers. Regards, M PS The elastic band on the wrist is also a very good way of getting rid of your negative thoughts!!
Once again you are the first to know my amazing achievement. I flew home last night from Nashville!!!! I was more nervous coming back which I think was because the flight was late in the day and I was getting tired. I don’t think it has all sunk in yet, I never thought I would see the USA but I have. It has taken two years of training but it is worth it. Love J”
“I’m VERY happy to be home. I woke up this morning with a massive smile and stretched out in my bed enjoying the relaxed feeling for the first time in a week. Bliss! I’m appreciating everything at the moment, hugging and kissing my family – even my spotty 14 year old Brother, who reeled back in horror when he saw me coming at him all puckered up!” From F.
And here’s a message from a lady just back from Australia. “I just wanted to say a huge thanks to everybody on the forum but especially to Keith. Your book and site have been my lifeline these last few months. I’ve actually really enjoying learning about aircraft, My first thank you (and I am sure you will all understand why) is to Keith, for caring enough about people like us to start this forum. Without the forum, yours Keith and my friends (you all know who you are) support right from the beginning, I could never have made this journey and what a journey it has been…………for all your kindness, support, encouragement, advice and friendship, I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. It all started 19 months ago” P. When this lady joined the forum to say that her daughter was emigrating to Australia and that she felt as if she would never see them unless they came home to visit her. Through thick and thin she stuck with it and after a couple of short flights eventually took the plunge and took a flight to Australia. Not at all easy for her but with 24/7 help from the forum she did it. Where else can you get continuous help for 19 months? That’s why we think it’s the best site available anywhere.
“After a few hours with Keith my life has totally changed – I now fly without even thinking about it and I can speak with authority to all those wondering what each bump and noise means. Total air travel in the last year amounts to 37,000 miles of total relaxation – thank you Keith” Cathy
“V was one of the participants in your inaugural course. Since then we have flown around Latin America to Oman and Dubai and are just back from Botswana where we flew five flights in small four/six seaters. All this without any anxiety from V at all so thanks again for your help Kind regards I.M.”
“I am very proud and pleased to tell you I am writing to you from Brisbane. I flew London-Bangkok-Sydney last Friday,” Lauren
“A question Keith had on the CD really hit home with me. ‘What could your life be like if you weren’t afraid of flying?’ I’m paraphrasing, but suddenly realized there was a world out there which I would never experience if I let FEAR rule my life.” David
Hope you’ll remember me. Just over three years ago I was staying at Lewis Child’s Earth Terminal Studio in Odiham and our band NOSFERATU had a concert in Leipzig, East Germany. I remember that you gave up nearly an hour of your valuable time persuading me to fly to Germany and helped to alleviate any fears that I had. I did make that flight to Leipzig in June 2006 and met up with my girlfriend A*** (whom I met for the first time in **** in May 2006, we travelled by road). We got on well and A*** moved to England in July 2007. Last December our baby daughter E****M***a was born, so I would like to say a big “Thankyou” to you Keith. If I had not got onto that plane, the baby would probably have never been born. I have flown several times since then, I must admit that I missed a couple of flights in 2007 but I last flew in May 2009 with my son, girlfriend and new daughter. You really are kind Keith.
Thank you so much for your detailed explanations which gave me the confidence to fly again !! Best Regards Andrew
I was just doing some housekeeping on my PC and found this letter someone had sent to me The opportunity to attend Keith’s seminar came like a bolt from the blue. I knew that I had to confront this fear but I wasn’t really thinking about how or when. The call came through a friend of a friend who knew about the ‘Cyprus Incident’ and thought of me. I’m now wondering if there is such a thing as fate! I flew many times throughout my life. I’m not really sure where it all went wrong but on Boxing Day 1999 I refused to board a plane taking me and my husband (then boyfriend, yes he still married me?!) to Cyprus to celebrate the millennium. Since booking the holiday, I’d spent £400 on hypnotherapy and obtained Diazepam from the Doctor just in case. But I knew for months that there was no way I was boarding that plane. Even as we took the dog to the kennels I knew I’d be back to collect him in just a few hours! Since that incident, my way of dealing with my fear of flying has been to simply avoid it. My husband has never put too much pressure on me so it had all been quite easy really. However I now have a son who is almost 5 and is desperate to go on a plane. I have to do it without flinching for his sake. So, there I was on my way to Winchester, no idea what I was going to. I’d never heard of Keith, never read his book, listened to his CD or visited this website. In fact I had no idea what kind of day was ahead of me. When I arrived the first thing I thought was that everyone already knew each other by the way they were chatting away. I soon found that this wasn’t the case; it was just that people were keen to share their experiences. Some had worked with Keith before and were eager to assure us newcomers that we too could overcome our fears. If anyone had told me what the seminar involved, I would have been very sceptical but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Most of the day was spent with the group discussing numerous images of the whole flying experience. I had always felt that the less you knew about aeroplanes the better but here I was enthralled by all this new stuff I was learning. It really is fascinating. Most of all I kept thinking ‘how can this man be so passionate and enthusiastic about something that I am afraid off?’. That passion and enthusiasm really did rub off on me. When we looked at the images of fluffy white clouds viewed from the window of the plane, my first thought was how beautiful they were and when Keith played a recording of the engines roaring just before take off I remembered how I used to love the sound of all that power. I really feel that the experience enabled me to remember some of the things that I used to love about flying and now that I have been able to revive those thoughts and feelings I need to keep the momentum going and will be attempting a flight with Keith really soon. I know that I can’t take him on all my holidays in the future but wouldn’t it be great if we could bottle some of that passion for flying!
I have been a terrified flyer for the last 15 years, with the last 10 years needing sedatives in order to fly. I liked to be completely asleep before takeoff, otherwise I would feel absolute fear. All that has changed though thanks to the reassuring voice in my headphones – Captain Keith! I have been using the audio helpcasts with better and better results for the last few years. I’m now able to fly while awake, and all my anticipatory anxiety is gone. My last few flights I actually looked forward to – absolutely never thought I’d enjoy flying again and just can’t say thanks enough to Captain Keith and all on this site for sharing your knowledge and experiences!!!!!
Hi Keith Well I did it! D and I flew to Dublin on Thursday and I was absolutely fine. I felt a little apprehensive when I got up at 2.30 am (!) but then I just remembered all that I had been told on the course and I soon began to relax. In fact, for the first time ever, I did actually enjoy the taking off and landing. No clammy hands and for once, D didn’t have to suffer my nails digging into him! I was able to look out of the window for most of the journey and it was great to be able to look down on our hotel by the beach (with golf course) as we came in to land at Dublin. I really enjoyed the flight.
When we came to leave on Sunday, I was totally relaxed. I didn’t even feel apprehensive. I have never felt so calm about flying as I did on Sunday. We had quite a bit of waiting to do at the airport so I spent the time just watching the planes taking off and landing and taking in all of the action on the ground, including the pilot checking under his plane! Most reassuring!! It was nice to be able to associate all that was going on with what the course had taught me.
As we jetted off down the runway, both D and I were able to enjoy the ‘experience” together. He was really proud of me and I actually felt really proud of myself. During the flight, we did have a little bit of turbulence which, probably by nature, did give me a few jitters. However, as soon as it started, I remembered you telling us that the plane wouldn’t be going up and down and so to reassure myself, I looked towards the window and could see for myself that the plane was steady. It worked! I might not be quite so brave in severe turbulence but because of the knowledge which I now have, I will be in a better position to understand ‘turbulence’ and, hopefully, cope with it. I just want to say a “million and one thanks”, Keith, for helping me to get back on a plane. I really thought that my days of flying had ended. Best Wishes J W
Dear Sir, Since reading and listening to what you had to say I finally summoned the courage to get on an aeroplane. For sixty years sheer terror at the thought of flying kept my feet on the ground, consequently going nowhere. I have now flown to the Persian Gulf three times this year. I can only recommend your approach to overcoming the fear of flying to others suffering and ”missing out” as I did for so long. Yours Sincerely, DD
Dear Captain Keith I have flown about 16 times since I took the course and every flight has been better than the last. Thank you very much the advice and please keep up the great work
Hello Captain Keith, I’ve been meaning to write to you and to thank you for your wonderful website. It has really helped me get over my fear of flying. This last summer, I took 8 flights! The most helpful for me was just the knowledge on how the airplane works and what is happening. And every time we were landing I remembered that video of you and a student landing a plane after half an hour of instruction. Knowledge really is power, and since I knew exactly what was happening, I didn’t even have to do breathing/redirecting thoughts etc etc. So thanks again! A Dear Keith, Bingo!! Just thought I’d let you know I flew to Montreal and back with no problem at all! Take off & climb were no problem and you were right- the pilot did it all without my help gripping the armrests. The noises didn’t bother me at all & I didn’t even worry about being over water! Even when the pilot on the return flight said we would get a couple of bouts of turbulence, I told myself it was uncomfortable not dangerous, tightened my seatbelt & resolutely carried on with my crossword! I can’t thank you & Vivienne enough- I even enjoyed it and am already thinking about my next trip! Thank you so much, Kind regardsHi Keith I just wanted to send an email to thank you so much for the course last weekend. I so enjoyed it! Every question was answered and many more. I was certainly reassured that there isn’t much safer than a commercial flight! I am boring my husband with every detail…. ‘you know when the lights… well that’s because…’ and ‘did you know….’! He plans to sit far away from me when we next fly! I’m working through everything we were given to read and watch at home and am already feeling quite enthusiastic about putting strategies into practice. Thank you for your personal attention. I have recommended the course and CDs and books to so many people already! I enjoyed the way that although everything was delivered with firmness it was balanced with humour. Many thanks to you and Vivienne Best wishes
So, a BIG, BIG, SINCERE THANKS TO CAPTAIN KEITH for helping me start to enjoy flying again… the journey’s not over by any means but I feel I have the skills to cope now… what a weight has been lifted off me knowing that we can plan overseas trips without me having the irrational dread of the flights constantly in the back of my mind. I had tears in my eyes a few times on these flights, because the contrast between how I feel now compared with the anxiety I’ve had on previous flights, is just so incredible. So THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU :-)
just an update for everyone, I made it! I just landed about an hour and a half ago and I’m already home, on my couch watching the Super Bowl. I have to say that watching the videos here and keeping the whole Logbook community in mind did help me out a bit. We encountered some severe turbulence on our flight to Florida (in my head it was severe and abrupt, but who knows how the pilots felt about it.) I actually was on my way to use the bathroom when it hit, and I was jolted into some poor guy’s lap. The fear that ran through my body at that point was beyond imagination, but I almost feel like it was good to go through it because I can see how the plane held up just fine, we didn’t come tumbling out of the sky, and basically it was just really uncomfortable to sit through, that’s all. It made me realize that we’re not flying in a little tin can…we are in a well designed machine that can probably handle much worse than what we went through. My flight home was amazing..smooth and enjoyable. Other than some bumps as we ascended, it really was the first time where I can say it was a pleasure to fly. I wish every flight could be like that! I feel like I have improved so much with takeoffs after watching the videos here. I still grasp my husband’s hand and pretty much cut off circulation, BUT I am not scared by all the noises anymore, and I feel like I know what the plane is doing as it makes its ascent to cruising altitude. Next thing I need to work on is just relaxing and not being so tense during the rest of the flight. I think if I start learning more about how planes fly and the dynamics behind it, it may help to calm my nerves. Baby steps…. Thank you everyone for helping me out – you all really made a big difference! J
I did it, I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it,I did it :-D – I really cant thank both you and Viviene enough. I have so much I want to write and tell you but I’m a bit short for time now. So for the time being I just wanted to say again THANK YOU x ————
Just been flying in a 4 seater Piper Warrior over Alicante to celebrate Gordon’s 60th – never been able to enjoy that before our chats about propeller aircraft!! Hi Captain Keith My name is Joseph I am Maltese so been flying for quite a few years once I had a bad flght and since then thats when my fear of flying started. I even started Driving to Malta, how silly is that? It take 3 hours by plane, 5 days by car, In the 80s I went to a fear of flying course at london Heathrow there were 300 people, and 7 pilots answering all the questions it did not work for me, then my family bought me a present to go in a simulator, for an hour I was in conTrol of a b 737, that did not work either I still have fear of flying, Then my wife bought me a present for Christmas a fear of flying course with Captain keith, it was January last year and it was wet and cold there should have been 6 people but they did not turn up, So i thought the course would be called off, But no CAPTAIN KEITH said shall we start, how fantastic was that, I had him all to my self, I asked him question after question and he build my CONFIDENCE UP I was so happy I wanted to fly that day then to put the icing on the cake he offer me the next lesson free. Since that day I have flown a ROBIN 200 and I HAVE GONE FOR A LONG HAUL, FLIGHT TO THAILAND, For the first time, and all that is down to CAPTAIN KEITH, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR EFFORT JOSEPH FARRUGIA I did it again guys!!! I managed on my own my flight to Verona on Easyjet (thanks Keith for the pep talk you’re a star) Guess what……they were the best flights I ever had! The crew were wonderful and at one point when we were cruising above the clouds (ok it was the smoothest flight ever I was lucky I know) I felt SAFE as safe and calm as I could ever feel..ok I got tense again and still listened out for noises etc but I have never felt safe before so high up! I want to savour this and feel the same calm when I next fly, am determined not to wobble again guys THANK YOU ALL, I COULDN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOU! :)
The flight was a fantastic experience, all the knowledge your brilliant course armed me with helped enormously and I thoroughly enjoyed my first ever flight…….even the thunder and lightening storm we flew through!!!! Thankyou, thankyou from both me and Max
I am a who from a very young age has been a nervous flyer. I have always faced my fear and flown, but i am (was) a complete and utter wreck!! My father surprised me, my mum and sister to a trip to Las Vegas for a early Christmas present. When he told us i felt sick, and got very emotional. Especially after i learnt that we were not flying direct. We had to fly Manchester to Philadelphia and Philadelphia to Vegas (eekkk!),
Over all it was approx 14hrs flying time! I was losing sleep and it was taking hold of me, i knew i needed some reassurance and to address my fear. As i did not want my fear to get the better of me, and miss out of such a great trip.
Thats where you came in, after 3 sessions of hypnotherapy, i still felt i needed a long list of questions answering. ‘What are those noises? How do planes get off the ground (as i have packed the whole of my wardrobe, and believe me it is rather large!), And the dreaded turbulence,(annoyance as you call it).
Your book was a fantastic and reassuring read, they way you describe EVERYTHING in just enough detail, and detail that you can understand. Your great sense of humour makes you at ease on its own.
There was turbulence on the plane, but with your reassuring words that stuck in my head-
And i am happy to report it 100% helped, i would recommend your book and CDs to anyone, it beats any remedy, tablet, even hypno (in my eyes) .. I noticed i did not get the shaky legs, sweaty palms, etc as much as i did get. Once again Keith, thank you for helping me with my fear. You have improved me by miles!! Have a great Christmas, i am sorry this is so long, just wanted to let you know your hard word in writing the book was worth it.. Warm Regards F M
I was extremely nervous, scared an d anxious especially for the return trip as the weather reports were showing rain, snow and heavy fog. I ordered your book but have not gotten it yet, so I followed many of your instructions and watched the video’s from your website instead. I particularly found the video about turbulence to be very helpful, and there was plenty of turbulence on the return flight to NY. I actually imagined that YOU were flying my plane and in a very strange way that made me feel safe and comfortable. I used visualization techniques before I even got to the airport and in my mind I saw myself very relaxed and safe in the airport, while boarding the plane and once in the air. I used calming relaxation music and when the turbulence became really bad I thought of what you said when describing two river currents meeting together and how that would create the sensation of a back and forth flow, or rocking feeling while being in a boat or canoe. I never could have gotten on that plane if I hadn’t connect with you, and for this I am forever grateful. I still have a way to go, but the confidence I feel now that I conquered my fear gives me the strength to keep going. I couldn’t wait to email you to tell you that I did it! Thank You Captain Keith, Blair :)
Hi Captain Keith! Thanks for your email! Yes, the course downloaded successfully, thanks for asking – I downloaded it the day before we went on holiday and put it onto my iPod so I could listen to it on the plane (I’ve read the first volume of Flying Without Fear so many times I can practically recite it so thought the audio help would be just as successful and helpful!). We flew out to Palermo, Sicily from Gatwick last Thursday and came back yesterday and although we had to divert through Switzerland because of the French air traffic control strike which added an extra 25 mins and although it was quite a turbulent flight it was my best yet (it was our sixth holiday since July 2009)!! I did the breathing exercises and actually dozed off for a bit which was a first – so I must be relaxing more and more!! I thought the tips were great and will definitely listen to it again before we fly again. Thanks so much for helping me – you have made a real difference and you are helping me enjoy my holidays so much more because I’m not so worried about flying! Best regards, R P.S. My partner says thank you as well as I’m no longer breaking his hand with every little sound / rumble / vibration!!