What the book is about

Fear of Flying Help

  • It’s funny
  • It’s entertaining
  • It’s informative
  • It’s a bit cynical…
  • It’s different from anything you’ve read about planes and pilots
  • It’s honest
  • It’s poignant
  • It’s an autobiography too…but not as we know them!
  • It’ll relax you
  • It’ll help you sleep

  • The Other Side of Fear is a book written for fearful flyers. If you’ve overcome your fears and you’re ready to fly, one of the strategies you need is to pass the time while you’re airborne. Having something to do, to distract you is probably the most effective way of keeping your mind away from your worries. Some people like music, others like games some skip through magazines and others like too get lost in a novel.This book is a mixture of all of those things…except the music of course.
    The best thing about it is you can miss out pages and pages and just carry on reading from where you open it. It’s not a story but has lots of little stories in it. But if you don’t like cynicism then you’ll have to skip a few chapters. The author is merciless about airports and airlines. The way they treat you in the pursuit of money. But that’s not to say they cut back on safety, in fact throughout the book countless references are made to how and why flying is so safe.

    “As a pilot I didn’t pay anymore for life insurance than you do”  

    “I could not put this book down. I have moments where I love flying and others where I dread it. This was a brilliant read and I didn’t want it to end. The author made me feel so comfortable and excited about flying I would happily read it all over again. It made me want to get on a plane as soon as we can.”

    “I bought this book because I am an aviation enthusiast, not because I have a fear of flying, but I found it helpful to read the explanations of safety etc. I loved the book because it was more like a chat with an interesting person. It moves fairly randomly between the author’s flying experience, his life philosophy, how safe commercial aircraft and crew are, and the laugh out loud nonsense that happens in most workplaces (for example, the experience of being shoe-horned into staff transport, aka a Transit mini bus). What struck me most was how much the author had loved and appreciated his entire flying life, and how he tried to pass that on to others through kind gestures. Personally I would love to read more about his early flying, as an instructor and flying round Scotland. Oh, and he quoted the most moving of poetry, ‘High Flight’, and he clearly knew exactly what the words represented. I greatly enjoyed the off-beat nature of the book. A refreshing change!”

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