Whether you’ve read a book, been on a course or have already taken a flight this brand new course really will make a difference to you. If you’re still anxious it’ll talk you through everything you need to know to take your flight. If you can fly but you want the experience to be more enjoyable, this course will certainly help you to do that. If you’re a down to earth person who needs encouragement and clear guidance as to how to overcome your fears and anxieties, this will work for you too. You’ll be ready to fly moments after you’ve finished listening to it. You’ll be full of confidence and ready to fly. You’ll be ready to fight off anxious thoughts because you’ll armed with knowledge. What’s the course about and why will it help you? Yes? so Buy here
The course is based on courses and discussions between Captain Keith and a number of fearful flyers. It covers the psychology of your fear, thought stopping and relaxation techniques, a simple breathing exercise to control panic attacks, innovative explanations about everything that is “The Fear of Flying” There are tracks on weather, including turbulence and thunderstorms. There are a group of tracks that will take you through each step from booking your ticket to disembarking. And there are four free tracks of aircraft sounds involving complete flights where you can sit in the cabin and ‘take a flight’. What better way to overcome your fear of flying than sitting in the comfort and security of your own arm chair and building your confidence and understanding so that your fear of flying becomes a thing of the past? Will it work? Yes? so Buy here Yes it will. If you’re ready to sit down and listen to these tracks and put the recommendations into practice then there’s absolutely no doubt that it will work. And it will work because it addresses the issues and concerns that you have. It discusses every subject from your point of view, not a pilot’s point of view, not a therapist’s point of view. And it doesn’t use worn out methods of personal improvement plans. This program tackles you fear of flying head on, with no wasted time and sales talk. This course gets to the point in the first sentence and stays on track until the last word. You won’t be sitting there waiting and hoping for something to finish so that you can get to the interesting bit…it’s all interesting and it’s all relevant. Buy it and be ready to fly in five hours from now! This course has been written and narrated by Captain Keith Godfrey who was a speaker at the World Fear of Flying Conference in Montreal and who has been flying for 50 years. This course like all products on this site are owned by MACROTEACH LIMITED a UK based and registered limited Company. When purchasing products from this site the Paypal payments page will be headed MACROTEACH LTD.
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