Hi Keith,

greetings from sunny spain! just wanted to tell you that i made it! i wont lie, i cried on take off!! but I practised diaphragmatic breathing and the mantra ‘turbulance is uncomfortable not dangerous’. i think I will be more prepared for the return journey on saturday. we did have a bit of a bumpy flight but i kept my belt on tight so i would move with the plane and just tried to assume a calm state of mind. i can honestly say that the course helped me so much and i met some lovely people as well (phil & anna). there is definately no quick fix as you say but this was a much better flight than i had expected.

thanks to you and Vivienne!

It’s always lovely to hear from people who have benefitted from overcoming their fear of flying, but the important thing to remember is that without courage and determination very little can be accomplished. We can only help to overcome a fear of flying and that is when it is so important to…


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